Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums (ERPCF) Steering Group

Currently, three posts make up the Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums (ERPCF) steering group: the elected National Network East of England Lead and an elected Chair and Vice-Chair of the ERPCF. The post of Chair and Vice-Chair are filled by individuals from different forums, so ensuring a breath of views are considered. The elected ERPCF posts have a two-year term of office.

Our current Chair is Sarah Conboy and our Vice-Chair is Julia Brunning. Our National Network East of England Director is Jo Harrison, who is also a Co-Chair of the NNPCF.

The eleven Parent Carer Forums meet face to face three times a year for our regional meetings, chaired by Sarah, and a further four to six times a year either face to face or virtually to hear updates, receive training, share forum peer learning and give and receive peer support. This structure enables us to provide and respond to national and regional feedback quickly, while also keeping abreast of issues and good practice locally.