About Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums
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What is the Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums?
The Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums (ERPCF) is an unincorporated association made up of the 11 Parent Carer Forums (PCFs) who are in receipt of the DfE Grant for parent participation for their Local / Unitary Authority.
These local Parent Carer Forums have automatic membership of the Eastern Region and between them reach over 5,000 parent carers of children and young people with SEND. The Eastern Region is one of the nine regions that make up the National Network of Parent Carer Forums (NNPCF).
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Our Aim
We will improve the life outcomes for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and /or Disabilities (SEND), their parents, carers and their families by ensuring that parent carers have a voice – through surveys of our members parent networks, through feedback from PCFs and through our appointed Regional Reps providing representation at Regional Meetings including working with Governmental and Local Authority Regional Forums, groups and charities.
As the people who share the everyday lives, experiences, highs and lows of living with and supporting those with SEND, it is vital that the lived experience of parent carers from across the Region is captured and used to influence the decisions that affect their families and to contribute to developing and improving services that meet the needs of their disabled children and young people.
We are a collective that continues to raise the profile and the needs of children and young people with SEND, across our region and across England through the NNPCF.
We will promote a culture of participation and co-production across the education, health, social care and the voluntary sectors in the Eastern region. This means that we are involved in all aspects of designing, commissioning, delivering and reviewing services as an equal partner.
We will enable mutual forum to forum support and development, share good practice and facilitate Regional information exchange in the East of England.
The Constitution
Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums and its money will be administered and managed in accordance with the provisions in this constitution and underpinned by the seven Nolan Principles. Adoption of this constitution is of the date it is approved by the member forums. This constitution sets out the rules by which Eastern Region of Parent Carer Forums will be governed. These are legally binding on the members.